Friday, November 21, 2008

Ultimate stupid Batch@NITC!!!

[Today we attended our last class in NITC. Here is a brief view on what we are ]

A small stone when thrown in stable water it disorders the whole, but this disturbance generates a new energy in water and water start dancing. The same happened with NITC, 30 pearls were responsible for a disturbance here, and we called it Khalbali, the chaos in NITC.

Started our journey from different platforms but destination was the same, started flying with just new wings from different nests but before us infinite blue sky was the same, started painting our life with our own colors but the canvas was the same, started living some wonderful but different characters inside, but aim was the same to make an ultimate combo of blundering genius. And today, definitely we can say that the destination is just in front of us, the infinite sky seems too short to fly, we have a large canvas full of colors, and Khalbali is the Batch what was our dream. The three year life, though it looks too short but we have made it memorable through what we have done here. Whether it is academics or non-academics, effect of Khalbali can be seen clearly. Faculties were not so comfortable with us but they loved us. Harsh Comments and complements about Khalbalis were integral part of us but each time they made us stronger than before. The versatile characters(some are so sentimental, some are rude, some are innocent, some are so cunning, some were so active while few remained neutral and so on) of Khalbali have helped it to be perfect. Yes we had some bad things also, some bitter moments but now everything is past. We have taken them positively “What happens, happens for a good reason”. And now Khalbali is going to leave the classroom world, the experience what we have will help a lot in coming more difficult challenges. Now its time to say Goodbye to our class-life!!!These days will remain throughout our life.

More to write but stopping here...will come with some more about my USB@NITC is it ,do comment pls...thank u


vipin said...

जैसा की हमेशा से होता आया है , एक हम ही हैं इतने फोकट की EXAM की तैयारी छोड़ कर आपके BLOG पढ़ रहे हैं !! BUT एक बात तो है की अब ये पढ़ कर मेरा भी रोने को जी कर रहा है .... बू हूँ हूँ हूँ ... बस अभी अभी एक नयी शायरी ने जन्म ले लिया है ...पेश करना चाहूँगा ....
क्या दिन थे वो जो हमने साथ गुजारे थे ,ना अब वो खिलखिलाहट भरी हंसी ,ना वो चेहरे नज़र आते हैं .. बरसो से इस दिल मे कोई उमंग न उठी .. आँखे भी तरस गयी हैं ..हुजुर की इक झलक पाने को ..
बस अभी अभी इस शायरी का ख्याल आया है उम्मीद है उम्दा ही होगा ...

Unknown said...

no matter what other people say about u but i know what u are.......we are privileged to have a person like u who knows how to react correctly on any kind of situation. keep on writing like this b'coz i know u have enough power to deliver when its is required..all d best dude keep it up........

Ranju Shreya said...

exactly......... the chaos of NITC..

u wrote nicely.... but very less.... [:(]

keep on writing frnd..... sorry enemy... [:P]

jes said...

i too have the same opinion as ranju.......missing those classroom days a lot