A year, figure's first half was just double of second half....but its second half was more dramatic than first half.....almost all events in second half were very eye-opening...Be it good though they were very less in number or be it bad india seems habitual of bad taste in lunch or dinner of everyday life.....Bad taste in sense onion less food we can think how tasteless that lunch or dinner would be.....yesterday i got a mail stating the richest man of India......scrolled down and saw a man sitting on packed onion bags....It was humorous but very true....So in first half of year Sugar made aam aadmi cry and second half gave onion a new high....A very simple looking Year (figurewise) was in fact very troublesome for Aam aadmi
Scam after scam after scam......Aadarsh, CWG, 2G Spectrum, Land allocation.....(Thanks to RTI).....Politics over investigations....CBI All these became common terms in very uncommon way.......Accountability became a word of trash.....
But in darkness of Scams definitely there was someone lighting lamp of hope for a state declared all gone once......Yes Bihar Election was a bright chapter for the year.....A state having most no. of illiterates voted with no-cast feeling which they used not to do few years back......Good governance is necessity of everyone staying in five star hotels or in a hut......and that played a real role in election....School going girls on cycle in uniform tells the story of new bihar.....Credit goes to a true gentleman keeping very low-profile but thinking of a real leader unlikely found in this era of corruption......I am quite happy that i was part of the history being written on 24th Nov......Yes on very fine morning of 20th Nov, was in line of booth no. 88...I am the happy witness of charismatic democracy that morning 7 o' clock there were more than 70 waiting patiently their turn.....No fear, No shor-sharaba, No indiscipline for which Bihar used to be known.....Perhaps that was narrating the first page of Script of changing Bihar......The land slide victory of The Deserving has been able to change Mindset of India toward Bihar.....Hope the mature Bihar will be soon BACK on the path of Glory and its glorious history.
Its night 11:11....and Just 49 min of the year.....one more year will be the part of history.....Hope, will remain in mind for all good reasons and will make us alert for wrong doings forever......Alvida , Sayonara, Bye bye 2010[:)]
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Peepli Life or India Life???
Perhaps it was, for I waited so long......Perhaps It was, for I just rejected so many proposals......Perhaps It was, which sleeping inside somewhere in mind and sudden call disturbs it to go for first ever show to be watched ......And promise to myself to open my account with something special could find a reasonably well preached Movie Peepli ........Happy to have it as my first movie seen in theatre ...many of You will laugh on me (not for Peepli as first movie but for first movie in theatre)......but what i could do......so many momentum got fussed, plans didn't work, things not gone in favor.....Or all in all you can say it my ignorance toward cinema, i just postponed so many times......Or can I say I was waiting for Peepli[:P].........Honestly saying , I couldn't find any motivation to go to cinema hall for heavy drama of bollywood.....But a simple story of our own village, story of our own struggle to live, story of our own controversies, story of our own thoughts that too told without having any heavy breath-taking drama, without any high-preached spokes, Peepli[Live] was able to produce a determination into me "This time for sure to go to the temple of entertainment where people still worship Mother India and hate Lala, from where Gabbar singh became immortal, where thakur gets his hands back in form of jay n veeru, where Bhuvan brings back the pride by winning a match, where idiots use to teach how to live the life, where people still love to listen "Mere paas Maa hai".....
As suggested by Pavan, If you want to enjoy the movie don't see it in multiplex's so-called sophisticated but suffocated environment....Enjoy karna hai to kisi local cinema hall mein jao[:)]...where people wo'nt look at you like culprit when you are shouting , commenting, clapping, whisteling unstoppably on dialoges having desi flavor(You got me! what i mean to say....ha ha ha)...But in Pune it was hard to search for such a cinema hall.........Yahan multiplex bahot milenge but apne taraf jaise cinema hall ........Nakko[:)]........Search kiye , "jahan chah vahan raah" ...ek mil hi gaya.. Praveen and I started for the last show of the day.......and Here comes Live from Peeple[Live]...........[:)]
Peeple live , a 2 hour reality show , shows the opportunistic approach of human being ........I am not giving my verdict to the film neither am reviewing it.....but the situation created in the movie was able to catch me up to get connected with whole environment....I could feel Nattha somewhere in my neighbor, i could find innocent but opportunist Budhiya in my village itself...I could smell dirty politics behind the scene...media's thirst to grab spice from dry bread...these lines from the same movie
Sookhe Naina Rookhi Akhiyan....
Dhundla Dhundla Sapna....
Aasu Bhi Namkeen Hai Pyaare,
Jo Tapke So Chakhna...............
were enough to draw the clear but fearful picture of people struggling as farmers in rural India.....Movie seems nowhere very serious .......You can laugh on every dialoges like "Saale yahan **** fati hui hai aur tujhe... " ...but tells the real picture of Common man....No where it lectures heavily......But its to you to feel the situation
It was sad to see Natha the centercharacter of the cinema is still alone in the crowd gathered for Natha(Natha is just a symbol....its story of poor farmers across the country......they are still standing alone in their category).....LalBahadur, a laughable but again sad small bargain for a large cause, symbolized the system working around us...Governement schemes are just like dry handpump of no use.......Its not giving what Natha desreves.......News and Media are not connecting to original problem ...we could see the ignorance of local journalist toward the old-man digging for years n years and at last gets into lap of death in order to survive from death.....
Very simple words have been used but pinching on the aim.......Songs are very touchy.....songs like "Sakhi saiyyan to khoob hi kamaat hai mehgayi dayan khaye jaat hai","Desh mera rangrej", ''Chola maati ke Ram" are very unlike to listen in today's music .....
I enjoyed my first move to movie that too in movie theatre......Happy to watch such a movie......And happier to share it with you.....Thanks
Peeple live , a 2 hour reality show , shows the opportunistic approach of human being ........I am not giving my verdict to the film neither am reviewing it.....but the situation created in the movie was able to catch me up to get connected with whole environment....I could feel Nattha somewhere in my neighbor, i could find innocent but opportunist Budhiya in my village itself...I could smell dirty politics behind the scene...media's thirst to grab spice from dry bread...these lines from the same movie
Sookhe Naina Rookhi Akhiyan....
Dhundla Dhundla Sapna....
Aasu Bhi Namkeen Hai Pyaare,
Jo Tapke So Chakhna...............
were enough to draw the clear but fearful picture of people struggling as farmers in rural India.....Movie seems nowhere very serious .......You can laugh on every dialoges like "Saale yahan **** fati hui hai aur tujhe... " ...but tells the real picture of Common man....No where it lectures heavily......But its to you to feel the situation
It was sad to see Natha the centercharacter of the cinema is still alone in the crowd gathered for Natha(Natha is just a symbol....its story of poor farmers across the country......they are still standing alone in their category).....LalBahadur, a laughable but again sad small bargain for a large cause, symbolized the system working around us...Governement schemes are just like dry handpump of no use.......Its not giving what Natha desreves.......News and Media are not connecting to original problem ...we could see the ignorance of local journalist toward the old-man digging for years n years and at last gets into lap of death in order to survive from death.....
Very simple words have been used but pinching on the aim.......Songs are very touchy.....songs like "Sakhi saiyyan to khoob hi kamaat hai mehgayi dayan khaye jaat hai","Desh mera rangrej", ''Chola maati ke Ram" are very unlike to listen in today's music .....
I enjoyed my first move to movie that too in movie theatre......Happy to watch such a movie......And happier to share it with you.....Thanks
Amir khan,
Anusha rizvi,
Indian Ocean,
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
His Hunt Got Over!!!......A tribute to Raju Sir
Kal khel mein hum ho na ho, Gardish mein taare rahenge sadaa
Bhoolenge hum bhuloge tum, par hum tumhare rahenge sadaa
Rahenge yahi apne nishan,Iske siva jana kahan
Bhoolenge hum bhuloge tum, par hum tumhare rahenge sadaa
Rahenge yahi apne nishan,Iske siva jana kahan
[Perhaps Very true lines once said By Raju himself (in Mera naam joker) today seems very suiting for All time No. one of revolutionary batch, Raju Raj Sir. Feeling very sad , heart not allowing to do so,mind not ordering and all consciousness denying to write a tribute post to Raju sir on his untimely early departure from all of us, left us crying and feeling helpless before Almighty's desire. Is reality same to God's cruelty? Couldn't God have any other option than this?]
An irreplaceable vacancy in MCA@NITC family

His own kind of persona very flexible in nature,The moment he was angry and very next moment aise behave karte ki jaise kuchh hua hi na ho. Just like Lord Shiva(as his name also contains shannkar...more or less) in anger he used to be the most dangerous and wild like anything ,but at happy moments biggest heart he used to have. A very attractive personality having a very innocent heart even more innocent we could imagine, we could percepts of. A person with lot of enthusiasm toward anything beyond the limit, be it game, be it organizing events, be it helping someone we could find him at front.(It was Raju sir who represented MCA in each of sports events in NITC...during his period)
Recalling few of memories of early days in NITC, Raju Raj was a name which we used to get afraid of the most. The kind of image he maintained before we newcomers was of a strict ruthless senior( was a wrong perception abt him we felt later). when our so-called personalty development program was going on, his entrance used to be scariest of all. Smiling Raju Raj used to stand on door to seek each and everyone's attraction toward him and in one voice Good evening sir or whatever. No!!!!!! its not of what was desired . Once more !!!!!!!staring and again Good evening sir!! and so on until he could find a single voice out of thirty different ones. (Now I can proudly say that we were wrong ,he was soft,frndly and caring towards his juniors always). [Today while talking with venki , recalling his memories about Raju sir]Those days Venki was fond of smiling very much even b4 seniors. Raju sir just took it as a challenge to make venki stop laughing , sent him under the table for hours and hours but first time he had to laugh on his successful defeat as venki was still unstoppable to laugh. And so on there is sea of memories impossible to write all of these here(unke jane k baad yaadein toofaan ki tarah dil aur dimag mein aur hulchal produce kar rahi hain )
Always there in our mind through what we felt him in our year long senior-junior relationship and more than this, a very good friend and human being who has created his own places of freedom around him, was hardly understandable to strangers but the easiest to understand for people closer to him. Reading testimonials written for him can give a very clear spectrum how popular he used to be among his frnds with his few unique characteristics.
...At last adding few lines in his own voice:
"jindagi hai....isse kuchh gila-shikwa na karo yaaro...
bas...jo hai jaisa hai jis tarah se hai....usme hi enjoy karo......
lekin kaise???
still trying for dat...lets see...wen my hunt vl get over" .
...And Now he has enjoyed his life without any gila-shikwa ........... got hunted by Time !!!!!!! or perhaps in more appropriate words, His hunt got over!!!!!!!.
That's it from Me......A tribute to Raju sir from a sub-junior..Shat shat Naman!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Lived one life and that too..... Breathe less

Last weekend was really really superb as we all have enjoyed our last Ragam in NITC....so captured Ragam as much as possible...he he he even on name of last Ragam I was there in eastern orchestra in very hot noon also...Mega and Super seniors joined us to make it more memorable,If i m not wrong then it was first time in MCA history that Six generations were enjoying Ragam to gather,feeling fortunate to be part of such co-incidence...But this Ragam w
ill remain in mind whole life only becos of....becos of...the one whom NITC was waiting for a long time...honestly saying life long wish was going to get its way on 27th march, co-incidentally it was the very first day of Indian New year.....

What could be a better start for a new year than enjoying Music through a true pujari of Sangeet and divine singer ,Shankar Mahadevan........From last One and Half decade India is enjoying the talent of Shankar along with Ehsan and Loy, but it was interesting to see how effective Shankar could be, as last to last year it was Shaan here so everyone was expecting and obvious caparison was going in terms of making audience MAD.
Shankar arrived on stage in neck to neck full Open Air Theater around 8:15(a hard work was done to make possible that each and every ex-MCA should be part of this show) ...when he started his performance with "Mangalam Bhagvaan Vishnu..............mangalay tano harih" and the jerk he put with song "jhoom barabar jhoom", i was sure that he is going to kill us.....People were going MAD with his first song itself but it was only a start..."U R THE BEST AUDIENCE I EVER HAD" it was enough to make the para of NITC on peak, and Shankar could have thought that time "Yeah!! i m doing IT".....One by one h

But among audience some were Dada of Pappu.They were dancing but with some extra energy...U can feel the temperature viewing these pictures(aren't they looking Hile hue)

For two and Half hour We were in Paradise and the power of music made us feel that in small division of time also, we can live our whole life and After attending Shankar Mahadevan,i can say "Maine ek life jee liya hai"
Friday, November 21, 2008
छोड़ आए हम..............
[looking behind, it looks so funny the time we had in classes...here i m trying to recall those days]
छोड़ आए हम वो क्लासें
जहाँ की हर घंटी में
चांस लिया करता था,
जहाँ के हर टीचर से
डांट मिला करता था|
इतिहास के वो टीचर जब
अकबर पैदा करते थे,
अकबर के बाप हुमायूँ को
वो मार दिया करते थे|
सौ की गिनती में जब
मैं तीस भूला करता था,
मोटी सी छड़ी के बल पे
दिमाग खुला करता था|
उंगली एक दिखा के
हम दो करने जाते थे,
किसी तरह से लुक छिप
ईख चुरा लाते थे|
पेट पकड़ के मम्मी से
कहते थे नहीं जाना है,
और देख के गरम समोसे
कहते थे अभी खाना है|
जहाँ की हर इक लड़की
परियों जैसी लगती थी,
जिनकी हर इक बातें
मन में हलचल करती थी|
जहाँ की सुरमयी आँखे
सपने देखा करती थी,
रंगीली तितली भी
उड़ना सीखा करती थी |
हम नील गगन के नीचे
कुछ दूर चले जाते थे,
सूरज चाँद सितारे
हमसे मिलने आते थे |
जीवन की इस क्रीडा में
सब बदल गए हैं पासे
सब हो गए हैं बेगाने
जो कभी थे अपने खासे
सूख गई हैं आंखे
अब रुक सी गई हैं सांसे
छोड़ आए हम वो क्लासें||
छोड़ आए हम वो क्लासें
जहाँ की हर घंटी में
चांस लिया करता था,
जहाँ के हर टीचर से
डांट मिला करता था|
इतिहास के वो टीचर जब
अकबर पैदा करते थे,
अकबर के बाप हुमायूँ को
वो मार दिया करते थे|
सौ की गिनती में जब
मैं तीस भूला करता था,
मोटी सी छड़ी के बल पे
दिमाग खुला करता था|
उंगली एक दिखा के
हम दो करने जाते थे,
किसी तरह से लुक छिप
ईख चुरा लाते थे|
पेट पकड़ के मम्मी से
कहते थे नहीं जाना है,
और देख के गरम समोसे
कहते थे अभी खाना है|
जहाँ की हर इक लड़की
परियों जैसी लगती थी,
जिनकी हर इक बातें
मन में हलचल करती थी|
जहाँ की सुरमयी आँखे
सपने देखा करती थी,
रंगीली तितली भी
उड़ना सीखा करती थी |
हम नील गगन के नीचे
कुछ दूर चले जाते थे,
सूरज चाँद सितारे
हमसे मिलने आते थे |
जीवन की इस क्रीडा में
सब बदल गए हैं पासे
सब हो गए हैं बेगाने
जो कभी थे अपने खासे
सूख गई हैं आंखे
अब रुक सी गई हैं सांसे
छोड़ आए हम वो क्लासें||
Ultimate stupid Batch@NITC!!!
[Today we attended our last class in NITC. Here is a brief view on what we are ]
A small stone when thrown in stable water it disorders the whole, but this disturbance generates a new energy in water and water start dancing. The same happened with NITC, 30 pearls were responsible for a disturbance here, and we called it Khalbali, the chaos in NITC.
Started our journey from different platforms but destination was the same, started flying with just new wings from different nests but before us infinite blue sky was the same, started painting our life with our own colors but the canvas was the same, started living some wonderful but different characters inside, but aim was the same to make an ultimate combo of blundering genius. And today, definitely we can say that the destination is just in front of us, the infinite sky seems too short to fly, we have a large canvas full of colors, and Khalbali is the Batch what was our dream. The three year life, though it looks too short but we have made it memorable through what we have done here. Whether it is academics or non-academics, effect of Khalbali can be seen clearly. Faculties were not so comfortable with us but they loved us. Harsh Comments and complements about Khalbalis were integral part of us but each time they made us stronger than before. The versatile characters(some are so sentimental, some are rude, some are innocent, some are so cunning, some were so active while few remained neutral and so on) of Khalbali have helped it to be perfect. Yes we had some bad things also, some bitter moments but now everything is past. We have taken them positively “What happens, happens for a good reason”. And now Khalbali is going to leave the classroom world, the experience what we have will help a lot in coming more difficult challenges. Now its time to say Goodbye to our class-life!!!These days will remain throughout our life.
More to write but stopping here...will come with some more about my USB@NITC ....how is it ,do comment pls...thank u
A small stone when thrown in stable water it disorders the whole, but this disturbance generates a new energy in water and water start dancing. The same happened with NITC, 30 pearls were responsible for a disturbance here, and we called it Khalbali, the chaos in NITC.
Started our journey from different platforms but destination was the same, started flying with just new wings from different nests but before us infinite blue sky was the same, started painting our life with our own colors but the canvas was the same, started living some wonderful but different characters inside, but aim was the same to make an ultimate combo of blundering genius. And today, definitely we can say that the destination is just in front of us, the infinite sky seems too short to fly, we have a large canvas full of colors, and Khalbali is the Batch what was our dream. The three year life, though it looks too short but we have made it memorable through what we have done here. Whether it is academics or non-academics, effect of Khalbali can be seen clearly. Faculties were not so comfortable with us but they loved us. Harsh Comments and complements about Khalbalis were integral part of us but each time they made us stronger than before. The versatile characters(some are so sentimental, some are rude, some are innocent, some are so cunning, some were so active while few remained neutral and so on) of Khalbali have helped it to be perfect. Yes we had some bad things also, some bitter moments but now everything is past. We have taken them positively “What happens, happens for a good reason”. And now Khalbali is going to leave the classroom world, the experience what we have will help a lot in coming more difficult challenges. Now its time to say Goodbye to our class-life!!!These days will remain throughout our life.
More to write but stopping here...will come with some more about my USB@NITC ....how is it ,do comment pls...thank u
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Do tarah ke loag...Hum aur Aap
Ye world hai na world,ismein do tarah ke loag rehte hain.......Ek hamari tarah ke jo blog likhte hain aur ek aapki tarah jo parhte hain.......Hamari tarah ke loagon ko kaam se koi matlab nahi rehta,jabki aap ki tarah ke loag keval kaam se hi matlab rakhte hain(aisa hai kya......lagta nahi aap ko dekh kar)......aise loag khate peete sote jagte keval kaam ki baat karte hain,kal kya hua tha,kal kya karna hai ,isi soch mein doobe rehte hain.....aaj kaladi ka assignment to kal subhasini ko niptana hai,parso moodle pe sanjay ka quiz...kaise hoga ye sab,pareshan rehte hain........hamari tarah k loagon ke liye dono hi kal ka koi matlab nahi...beeta hua kal jaye bhand mein aur aane vale kal k liye ek straight vision "jo bhi hoga dekha jayega"....3*9 ko hamesha 3 bana k bolte hai bindassssss......zero pakar bhi bolte hain chalo minus mein to nahi aaya na......Sabke data Raam aise loago k dimag mein bahot gehrai tak ghus chuke hote hain.....Lekin inhein nikamma bhi nahi kah sakte......koi na koi kaam to ye bhi karte rehte hain.....aur jo bhi karte hain efficiently karte hain.........sapna dekhte hain to climex tak.....hindi films ki tarah hamesha happy ending ........jo bhi karte hain dil se karte hain kyunki dimag to hota hi nahi inke paas....but kahin kahin dimaag bhi lag jata hai inka BSNL network ki tarah....aise loag mentally present kahin bhi nahi rehte but mentally absent bhi nahi hote....absent aur present ke beech vala position secure mante hain ye loag.........
aap kis category mein aaoge .........just analyse urself
aap kis category mein aaoge .........just analyse urself
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