Last weekend was really really superb as we all have enjoyed our last Ragam in NITC....so captured Ragam as much as possible...he he he even on name of last Ragam I was there in eastern orchestra in very hot noon also...Mega and Super seniors joined us to make it more memorable,If i m not wrong then it was first time in MCA history that Six generations were enjoying Ragam to gather,feeling fortunate to be part of such co-incidence...But this Ragam w
ill remain in mind whole life only becos of....becos of...the one whom NITC was waiting for a long time...honestly saying life long wish was going to get its way on 27th march, co-incidentally it was the very first day of Indian New year.....

What could be a better start for a new year than enjoying Music through a true pujari of Sangeet and divine singer ,Shankar Mahadevan........From last One and Half decade India is enjoying the talent of Shankar along with Ehsan and Loy, but it was interesting to see how effective Shankar could be, as last to last year it was Shaan here so everyone was expecting and obvious caparison was going in terms of making audience MAD.
Shankar arrived on stage in neck to neck full Open Air Theater around 8:15(a hard work was done to make possible that each and every ex-MCA should be part of this show) ...when he started his performance with "Mangalam Bhagvaan Vishnu..............mangalay tano harih" and the jerk he put with song "jhoom barabar jhoom", i was sure that he is going to kill us.....People were going MAD with his first song itself but it was only a start..."U R THE BEST AUDIENCE I EVER HAD" it was enough to make the para of NITC on peak, and Shankar could have thought that time "Yeah!! i m doing IT".....One by one h

But among audience some were Dada of Pappu.They were dancing but with some extra energy...U can feel the temperature viewing these pictures(aren't they looking Hile hue)

For two and Half hour We were in Paradise and the power of music made us feel that in small division of time also, we can live our whole life and After attending Shankar Mahadevan,i can say "Maine ek life jee liya hai"